This refers to placing the tincture oil DROPS under your tongue for approximately 1 min before swallowing. By using the product this way, the hemp molecules get absorbed directly into your blood circulation, allowing for optimum bioavailability.
Bioavailability refers to how much active ingredient is absorbed into your blood circulation, when introduced into the body to obtain a desired effect. CBxDROPS are specifically formulated to allow for maximal absorption of all the beneficial hemp compounds in each DROP you dose.
You can! You will have to consume more oil to get the same effect than if you took it sublingually. Reason being, when hemp products are swallowed they enter your digestive system, only to becomemostly excreted as waste byproducts. What little is absorbed is subject to alteration and inactivation through the primary metabolic actions of your liver. The end result is that it takes more time for the active hemp compounds to enter the bloodstream, with a much lower concentration actually circulating in your body, limiting their therapeutic effects.
We specifically designed our tinctures to improve the efficacy of sublingual dosing. We accomplish this through a novel blending process that allows for a major reduction of unnecessary carrier oil volume, while optimizing the overall total cannabinoid potency of the hemp product. Our tinctures are most effectively absorbed sublingually, with 20mg total cannabinoids contained in each DROP of oil. Essentially, we offer you the freedom to titrate your own dosage: if you are new to consuming cannabinoids you may only need to start with 1-2 DROPS at a time. If you are an athlete doing intensive training, you may want up your dosage to 4 DROPS to aid in your recovery program. Point is, you have ultimate control over the number of DROPS that are right for you!